Anything to escape reality. Anything to expand your mind.

My name is kyle couvillion and This is my art brand.

What kiNd oF stuff should you be expecting To see?? Anything.

My plan for gassyminds is to have it be a experimental brand that grows and expands along with me as an artist.

About me:

I was born in Louisiana on September 22nd 2000 with a disability where I am deaf. Growing up, I loved to express myself through art as it was an escape from reality for me since I was pretty lonely in a sense that many other kids didn’t really fully understand me with my disability. Now I just want to create many things that hopefully inspires others to create and to entertain others, giving them an escape from whatever reality they are living in because sometimes life can get a bit tough sometimes. I hope that with this idea of a brand I have, I can touch many lives in some way as art has touched me in my life personally and to learn from it as I grow. Which is why my branding statement is “Anything to escape your reality. Anything to expand your mind.”

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